Archive for the "Uncategorized" category

Tip for Finding Stories to Make Talks and Presentations Engaging and Compelling

Here’s a valuable tip for finding stories from your life that you can use to make talks and presentations more engaging and compelling.  Both professional and personal stories can be used to illustrate ideas, make points and sell your services. If you read my last post on 6 Reasons to Tell Stories in Presentations, Leadership […]

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One Simple Thing to Transform Your 2019 beyond Making Resolutions

There’s a simple thing to do that can transform your 2019 beyond making resolutions. Every year for decades, I’ve done something to prepare for an awesome New Year — I spent a week evaluating what happened and what I accomplished in the outgoing year and what I want to accomplish in all areas of my life […]

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Jay Pharoah of SNL Shares his Best Advice for Speakers and Performers

“Be grounded and real…and don’t be afraid to be yourself,” says Jay Pharoah of Saturday Night Live. Jay gives us his best advice for both speakers and comedic performance in a video at INC.Video The Playbook.        Being grounded in your body and being real with your […]

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Learn to Speak Up in Public and Life Will Bring Opportunities to Share Your Gift

If you are feeling dissatisfied with your life, it could be because you have not learned to speak up in public in order to fulfill your soul’s desire to make a difference. I believe we each have a gift to give the world. We each have some contribution to make that adds value to humanity […]

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Sandra Zimmer Method Workshop Overcomes Life-Long Discomfort of being Center of Attention

 The Sandra Zimmer Method Workshop teaches you to convert public speaking fear, tension and anxiety into free flowing energy and excitement to speak.  You really can overcome life-long discomfort about being the center of attention! When you do, speaking becomes fluid and easy. A participant in a recent Sandra Zimmer Method weekend workshop said, “Had I known […]

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Transform Stage Fright into Authentic Speaking Weekend Workshop with Sandra Zimmer

Transform Stage Fright into Authentic Speaking Weekend Workshop teaches you to convert tension, fear and anxiety into free flowing energy and excitement to speak.  Really! If tension about speaking in groups, meetings or presentations is holding you back, a Sandra Zimmer Method weekend workshop will free you to speak from your heart. The Sandra Zimmer […]

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Sandra Zimmer Method to Overcome Public Speaking Fear

Recently, I wrote my most revealing article about the Sandra Zimmer Method to overcome public speaking fear and stage fright. A Presentation Guru Requests an Article The Commissioning Editor of, Jared Senseman, emailed to ask if I would write an article about my approach. Jared said Presentation-Guru was looking for unique approaches that help people speak and present more effectively. […]

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Cultivate Gravitas for Leadership Presence Course

Gravitas is a power that comes from inner authority to express your wisest thoughts for the good of the whole group. Gravitas commands attention, respect and admiration, not because it is flashy, but because it is wise and thoughtful. Introducing a Cultivate Gravitas for Leadership Presence Course who want to learn to exude more gravitas in […]

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Obstacles to Exuding Gravitas & Leadership Presence

Obstacles to exuding the quality of gravitas are some of the greatest psychological barriers that leaders and emerging leaders must conquer. Briefly, I’ll mention what leadership presence or gravitas means.  It is giving weight or importance to anything you say or do. Gravitas is the highest octave of self-confidence. Once a leader has enough self-confidence, […]

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Illuminating the Public Speaking Skills of Susan B Anthony

Rashid Kapadia,  a former student and now my great friend, is an evangelist for public speaking. Rashid is an avid reader who is masterful at drawing out public speaking and presentation lessons from all kinds of books. His latest blog post brilliantly recalls how Susan B. Anthony led the United States towards social and political equality through […]

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