Introducing YOU on VIDEO Workshop

I am excited to announce that I am creating a new workshop called
YOU on VIDEO: Showing Up and Being Heard for Skype, YouTube and TV

I have always been fascinated with video, both the technology and the on-camera presentation of oneself. As a former actress, I loved doing radio and TV commercials.  It thrills me just to be around video equipment and sets!

I struggled to learn to be comfortable and to make myself look good on-camera. I was not photogenic at all.  And I was very nervous and self critical.  But because I loved it so much, I worked hard to develop comfort and presence when cameras were rolling.  In the process of developing camera presence, I learned many secrets.

Now I am teaming with my longtime friend, video producer Kenan Branam, to co-create a workshop to teach people to show up, be seen and heard on video for Skype, YouTube and TV. Kenan’s credentials are spectacular!  He has worked with major stars and politicians at the video studio in Houston that CNN and other networks use when they interview remotely for national programs. View Kenan’s credentials.

In the YOU on VIDEO Workshop, Kenan Branam and I, Sandra Zimmer share the secrets that will give you the confidence to project a message and an image out into the world using video. We will give you the support you need to present yourself on video, Skype and YouTube.

I will warn you however that this workshop will not be a mechanical approach to expressing yourself on-camera!  Kenan and I are deep.  We love to work deeply with people to support them to be who they are when expressing themselves.  So we will be guiding you to be more authentic and to create an authentic image on-camera. Video is not a real presentation of yourself.  Is does not see you as you are, so you have to develop a persona that expresses your real self at your best.

Here is what you will learn how to do:

  • Relax and feel confident speaking on camera.
  • Make the camera transparent so that you are being with viewers rather than talking at them.
  • Radiate on camera presence so you appear warm, pleasant and energetic.
  • Stay focused on your message while the cameras are rolling.
  • Create a video set that supports your image and does not distract from your message.
  • Craft a 3-minute message that compels attention of viewers.
  • Learn to handle camera equipment.
  • Learn basic video lighting and sound tips.
  • Learn which inexpensive cameras and equipment you can use to get started.

Please check out the YOU on Video Workshop description. Our first workshop will be January 20 and 21, 2012